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Marco Bento é natural de Coimbra. Licenciou-se em Ensino Básico – 1.º Ciclo, pela Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, em 2003. Tem uma Pós-graduação em TIC e um Mestrado em TIC, na especialização de Comunicação Multimédia, desde 2013.

Ganhou uma Bolsa de Mérito Académico pelo seu percurso no Ensino Superior, em 2015.
Tem tido o reconhecimento internacional com prémios europeus, que reconhecem a melhor investigação na área das práticas pedagógicas com utilização do digital com crianças (2016) e sobre Ambientes Educativos Inovadores mediados por tecnologia (2018).
Desde 2014, tornou-se autor e responsável por diversas formações, workshops e comunicações sobre a utilização de dispositivos móveis e novos cenários de inovação pedagógica mediados por tecnologia em contexto educativo (mobile learning, ubiquitous learning, flipped learning, gamification, game based learning, project based learning, spaced learning, colaborative and cooperative learning scenarios,…).

Atualmente, é professor na Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra e investigador integrado em tecnologia educativa e formação de professores / práticas pedagógicas no Núcleo de Investigação, Educação, Formação e Intervenção (NIEFI - ESEC) e investigador integrado no Centro de Investigação e Inovação em Educação (InED) da Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto, assim como investigador em tecnologia educativa no Centro de Investigação em Educação, da Universidade do Minho.

É investigador do Grupo de Pesquisa e Formação de Professores e Tecnologias Educacionais da Fundação de Apoio à Escola Técnica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - FAETEC, no Instituto Superior de Educação do Rio de Janeiro e Lidera o Núcleo de Investigação e Pesquisa de Tecnologia Educativa Luso-Brasileiro - NIPTecEDU, desde janeiro de 2023.

É também consultor pedagógico e diretor pedagógico do Colégio Santa Eulália, em Santa Maria da Feira, reconhecida como a primeira e única escola de referência da Google For Education, em Portugal.
Faz parte de duas redes internacionais, a Rede COST- Digital Literacy Skills and Practices in the Early Years (DigiLitEY), na qual é co-investigador na ação "Competências de literacia digital e multimodalidade: práticas com crianças entre os 4 e 9 anos de idade" e a Rede Internacional de Investigação-Ação Colaborativa.
Atualmente é coordenador do Projeto de Investigação Europeu STEAMing Ahead: Moving the STEAM Approach forward through teacher-led cooperation.

É co-investigador em diversos projetos europeus nas áreas "Digital Competences of Teachers with Designing Digital Learning Materials Through Gamification; Prevent Cyberbullying; Robots for STEM: building, teaching and learning; Connecting Pedagogy with Technology; Habits for Success; E-Learning; Mobile Robotics; Digital migrations and curricular innovation;..."

Coordena desde há 8 anos o Projeto SUPERTABi (transformar as práticas pedagógicas através do uso de modelos pedagógicos centrados no aluno e mediados por tecnologias móveis, potenciando os novos espaços de aprendizagem), assim como Coordena os Encontros sobre Inovação Pedagógica SUPERTABi para discutir as três dimensões de investigação: pedagogia, tecnologia e espaço de aprendizagem.


Marco Bento was born in Coimbra. In 2003, he graduated in Primary Education at Coimbra School of Education, Coimbra Polytechnic Institute (IPC). He has a Postgraduate Diploma in ICT and a Master in ICT, with specialization in Multimedia Communication.
In 2015, he awarded a Merit Scholarship for his Academic path in Higher Education.
He received international recognition for two European prizes, which recognize the best research in the area of pedagogical practices using digital with young children (2016) and Innovative Learning Spaces mediated by technology (2018).
He is author and responsible for several trainings, workshops and communications about the use of mobile devices and innovative pedagogical scenarios mediated by technology in educational context (mobile learning, ubiquitous learning, flipped learning, gamification, game based learning, project based learning, spaced learning, collaborative and cooperative learning scenarios, ...).

He is currently a professor at the Coimbra Higher Education School and an integrated researcher in educational technology and teacher training / pedagogical practices at the Center for Research, Education, Training and Intervention (NIEFI - ESEC) and integrated researcher at the Center for Research and Innovation in Education (InED) at the Porto Higher Education School, as well as a researcher in educational technology at the Center for Research in Education, at the University of Minho.

He is a researcher at the Group for Research and Training of Teachers and Educational Technologies at the Foundation for Support to the Technical School of the State of Rio de Janeiro - FAETEC, at the Higher Institute of  Education in Rio de Janeiro and leads the Research and Research Center for Educational Technology Luso-Brazilian - NIPTecEDU, since January 2023.

He is also a pedagogical consultant and pedagogical director at Colégio Santa Eulália, in Santa Maria da Feira, recognized as the first and only Google For Education reference school, in Portugal.
He is part of two international networks, the COST Network - Digital Literacy Skills and Practices in the Early Years (DigiLitEY), in which he is co-investigator in the action "Digital literacy skills and multimodality: practices with children between 4 and 9 years old age" and the International Collaborative Action Research Network.
He is currently coordinator of the European Research Project STEAMing Ahead: Moving the STEAM Approach forward through teacher-led cooperation.

He is co-researcher in several European projects in the areas "Digital Competences of Teachers with Designing Digital Learning Materials Through Gamification; Prevent Cyberbullying; Robots for STEM: building, teaching and learning; Connecting Pedagogy with Technology; Habits for Success; E-Learning; Mobile Robotics; Digital migrations and curricular innovation;..."

For 8 years, he has been coordinating the SUPERTABi Project (transforming pedagogical practices through the use of student-centered pedagogical models mediated by mobile technologies, enhancing new learning spaces), as well as coordinating the SUPERTABi Pedagogical Innovation Meetings to discuss the three dimensions research: pedagogy, technology and learning space.

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